Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Love! Wedding! Marriage!

We all know that getting engaged is already a huge commitment to your significant other, and marriage is a whole other story, even more complex. Events that happen before, during and after that day of the wedding day is just another set of obstacles, memories couples just have to conquer with their significant other.

Love! Wedding! Marriage!  

When I hear those three words I automatically think of all the blood, sweat and tears that come with planning the huge event. “The big party” reuniting two people as one in. There are people all over the world who get married to the ones they love, to spend the rest of their lives as one together. However weddings can be such a wonderful occasion, maybe a nice ceremony that usually comes after with beautiful reception and a heart warming romantic honeymoon. When it comes to weddings, there are quiet a few different customs or traditions a process you can put it as, in which many cultures all over the world accomplish with their fiancĂ©. For some cultures, it is not only just a custom but more of a tradition to their cultures. In other words, it is more or so recommended to fulfill them. Maybe looked at as the way to get married properly.

Many different cultures all over the world have their own rituals as to getting married. Sometimes, even superstitions. All these customs, traditions and you can even call them obstacles for the engaged couple are put upon them. Some may seem crazy or really just out of the box however many couples do see them as good times memories that they can create and cherish as good old memories, whether it is something common such as a bridal shower, the groom's bachelor party or even after the wedding itself, their beautiful romantic honeymoon perhaps. All in all, events, activities memories that the couple may share together in the future. But it the end, they are just a bunch of events to part take in before spending the rest of your life with your one and only!

Bridal Problems...Dilemmas if You Must.

You hear it all the time...what comes with weddings for the bride are bridal problems. No matter who or what it's with. There are always the female dilemmas brides go through no matter what. Whether it is bridesmaids, not finding the perfect dress, perfect cake, venue or event the having the perfect groom...ALL THAT DRAMA. So not my thing!

Brides go through the dilemmas of what they really want to have at their weddings but having to sacrifice whatever it is just to try to stick to their budget or even go over their budget. Either way, the she must make difficult choices. Really difficult!!! For example, a common problem for the bride. THE DRESS!!! The bride ends up falling in love with one perfect dress. The dress of their dreams! Heck! the dress of everyone's dreams for the bride. But when it comes to price of the dress all their dreams come tumbling down in a flash and she must choose a different one. It can be heart breaking and must suck for the bride but reality just hit, not everyone is a millionaire. Maybe should have been marrying a wealthier man...don't you think.

Another dilemma brides go through. Choosing her bridesmaid. This may cause many problems between the bride and bridesmaid herself or event the ones around her. Being a bridesmaid of course is a lovely honor, especially when it's your best friend or even own sister. Because you never know if any friend or sister might be jealous that she was not chosen to be the bridesmaid. This may cause tension and arguments between the bride and the others around her and that is something that the bride should not have to deal with on top of all the pressure things she must deal with, with the wedding itself. Maybe the bride should just elope and not have to deal with people at all.

Only two of a bazillion problems, dilemmas a bride must deal with before her wedding day. Sadly, reality is there are even more never ending problems a bride must deal with before the wedding. Hahaha...those are just simple problems before the wedding. Think about after the wedding day when you are actually married. The things you would have to deal with : YOUR HUSBAND!

All that Planning!!!

What do you think of when you hear the word wedding?

If you have planed a wedding before, you know exactly the two worlds of a wedding.

1.  The world after your wedding. Newly weds. The honeymoon! The happy memories created from this magical day!
2. And there is that world before the actual wedding day! The dreadful planning, preparations, organizations, arrangements...I can go on an on!

For others, maybe the first things that come to mind would be the bridal dress, rings, reception, bouquet of flowers...all the dandy thoughts and things about weddings. But usually what people do not really consider is all the planning to make a bride and grooms's day come to life.

There are many ways and tricks to planning a wedding. People may plan it themselves, ask friends or family to help them out or even hire a wedding planner. However, wedding planner or not, weddings can be a crazy event to plan. There are just so many things to think of, more than people really realize. Not until they get to that point of their lives and have to plan their own wedding. True, I think so.

Weddings require thinking, picking, looking into details that the couple must look into. All the tasks that need to be accomplish to have the best wedding ever(of course according to each couples taste and desire)! 

Here are a couple of the main things to check-off for one's wedding plans :
  • Announce the engagement of course!!!
  • Determine the style or theme of the wedding itself(many different choices - may be difficult to choose one just for you and your fiancĂ©).
  • Make a list of what is important to the couple for a wedding. This may help determine the budget itself.
  • Discuss the budget and who will be paying for what? (This requires a lot of team work!)
  • Decide on the date and should start on looking for the venue as well.
  • A good person to also have at the wedding : and official wedding officiant (the person who will be marrying the couple) and apply for the necessary licence's depending where you are going to get married.
And might I add, for every bullet shown(not even all the things to be accomplished are mentioned here) there are always 10 more things to accomplish just to accomplish that one task! there is also the fact that all these chores of a wedding must be literally executed and done properly.

Must admit...Before the actual wedding it is pure torture...BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS may come with this as as well. But in the end brides and grooms!!! You are marrying thhe person of your so called dreams, no matter how your wedding ends up BE HAPPY!