Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bridal Problems...Dilemmas if You Must.

You hear it all the time...what comes with weddings for the bride are bridal problems. No matter who or what it's with. There are always the female dilemmas brides go through no matter what. Whether it is bridesmaids, not finding the perfect dress, perfect cake, venue or event the having the perfect groom...ALL THAT DRAMA. So not my thing!

Brides go through the dilemmas of what they really want to have at their weddings but having to sacrifice whatever it is just to try to stick to their budget or even go over their budget. Either way, the she must make difficult choices. Really difficult!!! For example, a common problem for the bride. THE DRESS!!! The bride ends up falling in love with one perfect dress. The dress of their dreams! Heck! the dress of everyone's dreams for the bride. But when it comes to price of the dress all their dreams come tumbling down in a flash and she must choose a different one. It can be heart breaking and must suck for the bride but reality just hit, not everyone is a millionaire. Maybe should have been marrying a wealthier man...don't you think.

Another dilemma brides go through. Choosing her bridesmaid. This may cause many problems between the bride and bridesmaid herself or event the ones around her. Being a bridesmaid of course is a lovely honor, especially when it's your best friend or even own sister. Because you never know if any friend or sister might be jealous that she was not chosen to be the bridesmaid. This may cause tension and arguments between the bride and the others around her and that is something that the bride should not have to deal with on top of all the pressure things she must deal with, with the wedding itself. Maybe the bride should just elope and not have to deal with people at all.

Only two of a bazillion problems, dilemmas a bride must deal with before her wedding day. Sadly, reality is there are even more never ending problems a bride must deal with before the wedding. Hahaha...those are just simple problems before the wedding. Think about after the wedding day when you are actually married. The things you would have to deal with : YOUR HUSBAND!


  1. In my culture the bride gets a lot of help form her family and from the grooms family with planing the wedding. The only things that the bride has to is pick a dress as well as picking her brides mates. Other then that the family takes care of everything else and all the bride has to do is approve their plans or ask them to change certain things.

  2. I urge you to not think me pessimistic when I say that I feel modern weddings, and some traditional ones, are usually extremely overblown. The expenses and stress invested in such minute and fleeting details seem to threaten to stifle the actual experience itself. Naturally, it would all pay off in the end, but I see nothing wrong with a simple outdoor wedding with close friends and family to avoid ever needing to go this ballistic over something. As I said, the essence of the thing, love, should not be overshadowed by material excess.
