Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All that Planning!!!

What do you think of when you hear the word wedding?

If you have planed a wedding before, you know exactly the two worlds of a wedding.

1.  The world after your wedding. Newly weds. The honeymoon! The happy memories created from this magical day!
2. And there is that world before the actual wedding day! The dreadful planning, preparations, organizations, arrangements...I can go on an on!

For others, maybe the first things that come to mind would be the bridal dress, rings, reception, bouquet of flowers...all the dandy thoughts and things about weddings. But usually what people do not really consider is all the planning to make a bride and grooms's day come to life.

There are many ways and tricks to planning a wedding. People may plan it themselves, ask friends or family to help them out or even hire a wedding planner. However, wedding planner or not, weddings can be a crazy event to plan. There are just so many things to think of, more than people really realize. Not until they get to that point of their lives and have to plan their own wedding. True, I think so.

Weddings require thinking, picking, looking into details that the couple must look into. All the tasks that need to be accomplish to have the best wedding ever(of course according to each couples taste and desire)! 

Here are a couple of the main things to check-off for one's wedding plans :
  • Announce the engagement of course!!!
  • Determine the style or theme of the wedding itself(many different choices - may be difficult to choose one just for you and your fiancĂ©).
  • Make a list of what is important to the couple for a wedding. This may help determine the budget itself.
  • Discuss the budget and who will be paying for what? (This requires a lot of team work!)
  • Decide on the date and should start on looking for the venue as well.
  • A good person to also have at the wedding : and official wedding officiant (the person who will be marrying the couple) and apply for the necessary licence's depending where you are going to get married.
And might I add, for every bullet shown(not even all the things to be accomplished are mentioned here) there are always 10 more things to accomplish just to accomplish that one task! there is also the fact that all these chores of a wedding must be literally executed and done properly.

Must admit...Before the actual wedding it is pure torture...BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS may come with this as as well. But in the end brides and grooms!!! You are marrying thhe person of your so called dreams, no matter how your wedding ends up BE HAPPY!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, usually when people walk into a wedding a wedding reception, all they think about the nice things in the wedding (dress, food, flower). But the people who never planed a wedding before never really realize how hard it is to actually plan a wedding and how much time and dedication it really takes.
