Friday, April 25, 2014

Where Does It All Begin?!?!?!

Knowing that a marriage is one heck of a big thing to go through in life is crazy!!! The fact that many of us will go through the process (''I guess I could say'') of finding their significant other can be exciting as much as nerve-racking. Don't you think?! With everything that I've talked about beforehand such as all the planning that goes into wedding, problems that may come with them and all I will now point out another big piece of this puzzle...THE PROPOSAL!!! You can't forget about the proposal, after all, without a proposal there is really no wedding at all, no one who are going to get married.

There are many proposals in life like asking someone out on a date for the first time, to a "promposal". But I think the one to really look forward to is your marriage proposal! I could only imagine the feelings that one must have when the one that they love gets down on one knee declaring their deepest love for you asking you to marry them! So sweet!!! Is it not? Well sorry I could not tell you at the moment, not getting married yet. Nor am I in any kind of relationship anyways.

However, people these days can go crazy over this! People seem to really come up with many new ways of proposing to their boyfriend or girlfriend. Not that the usual, traditional way of proposing, getting down on a one knee, declaring their love for their bride to be, is not totally romantic and very thoughtful. However, people these days try and add a  little excitement in what they do and people try and come up with many different ways to proposing. I found this one proposal and found it pretty unique in its own way where this one boyfriend set up a whole intricate scheme to proposing to his girlfriend, with a song and everything!

After watching this video, I fantasized to myself about how my wedding proposal would happen, However, that's years away!!! YEARS YEARS AND YEARS AWAY!

Sources :

Themes, Colors, Choices!!!

Even though I've talked about the whole planning thing in a previous blog post before, and may have already mentioned this point it still is pretty important to mention! Choosing the theme to your wedding. Yes, when you have a wedding there does not really have to have a dead set theme however there is always at the minimum some kind of color theme in my opinion. Which is still choosing elements of the same category, and turns out to be some sort of theme anyways? For example the a color scheme.

When it comes to choosing whatever it is for your wedding I have seen that people can get so caught up with wanting whatever it is they choose to be absolutely perfect for their wedding that in my opinion, sometimes simple is better, is more and less of an headache. I mean from what I've seen when it comes to people wanting to stick to their themes, they could have really saved themselves from so much unwanted stress that the couple would go through. 
But what can you do, people also want what's bigger and better and what THEY WANT! And most of the time the happy couples do end up with all that they envisioned for their beloved wedding. From choosing what colors they want for their wedding, to lights, decorations…etc.
From what I've seen from previous weddings that I have been to and even helped planned a but, or even on TV there are so many different ideas, wedding themes that people come up with its crazy!!! Here are a couple of themes known these days :

-         Barn
-         Beach
-         Circus
-         Coffee
-         Country
-         Garden
-         Rustic
-         Vintage
-         Woodland
-         Winter

In my opinion, the main reason why people choose to do a theme for their weddings is so that they would have a memorable wedding day that would not be forgotten when their guests leave. But in the end I see it as the best day of two people lives because they got married with their friends and family to celebrate that with them.

Sources :

Monday, April 21, 2014

What do the Grooms THINK on the Other Side of the Isle?!

Well, wedding can be so much for the bride, the fact that she has a lot of planning, invitations to be sent out! She has to find her dream dress, "The DRESS", a beautiful venue that she has to create to her own liking! Has to choose this and that, then the wedding jitters that she has to go through on her wedding day! Hoping nothing goes wrong, hoping that her dress would still fit(even though she made sure it did how many times before), hoping she is on time, her makeup is perfect, HOPING EVERYTHING IS PERFECT!...However, what we as maybe guests, even myself at wedding sometimes forget about is the GROOM who is on the other side of the isle. 

We are often too focused on the bride herself with her wonder gown walking down the isle, maybe trying not to trip and make a whole scene in front of everyone on her big day that we totally forget about the groom until well maybe the couple gets to saying their vows to each other. Well at least that's what I do at weddings, so focused on the bride and everything about her I do not even consider the groom and what could be going through his mind as he is about to marry the love of his life!

Here are a couple of answers of grooms who were asked : "What did you think when you first saw your bride?"

"Holy shit, this is happening for real, man." " Good God she's beautiful, how did I wind up getting this lucky?" " Wait is her dad crying? I hope those are tears of joy... Oh God, does he secretly hate me? Does he think we are making a mistake? Please don't let him say anything during the ceremony..." " Ok, now she's here, hold her hand, don't get sweaty...dammit, pals stop sweating!"

- FerdThePenguinGuy

"It's mostly a haze for the first few minutes, but I distinctly remember thinking that I'm smiling like an idiot and I'm suppose to say something to her parents but all I can think of is how beautiful she looks."

- WTFOutOfUsernames

Nothing, not one single damn thing, could have ruined that moment for me. My first thought? "This is really happening, and it's perfect"

- Noexit

"How did I fool her into marrying me?" Followed by : "Alright, walk a little quicker now. I want to get this over  with".


 Reading all these answers and a whole lot more really shows me that we as "spectators" at weddings really overlook certain things especially the groom, the one that the beautiful bride is going to marry! I know me being me, have not given much thought to what a groom would be thinking on his big day as well. Goes to show that men also have wedding jitters and think about a whole bunch of things too! 


Monday, April 14, 2014

Chinese Weddings

In china, there are many different traditions or customs the bride and groom as well as their own families must perform and respect as to marry one another.
Before there is even a wedding in the first place, there is somewhat of an engagement process. In China both families have to have approved upon the engagement itself. The groom's family would start off by giving gifts to the bride's family.
Now if both families are in accord with the engagement and the happy couple is well, happy of course, the couple will now seek a fortune teller to help set a date for their wedding. Because the Chinese are really superstitious in many things they would want to find a date that would be lucky for them.

For the bride on the day of their wedding, she must do a couple things before the wedding itself the day of. She would bath in water that is infused with pumelo and a variety of grapefruit. This is done at dawn and this is to cleanse the bride of her evil and negative influences.

The wedding ceremony itself is simple. Here are a couple of things that they must perform during the ceremony itself : The bride and groom are led to the family altar, where both of them pay homage to Heaven and Earth and their ancestors. The bride and groom bow their heads to each other at the altar, they have to drink wine from the same goblet as well signifying their unity as now one.

There is a big feasts that comes after the ceremony. There are separate feasts that are given. One by the groom's side and the other from the bride's before. Then the biggest one is usually given by both the bride and groom's family. It also shows the respect that each family has for one another, working together even before the couple actually starts their new lives together.

A day after the wedding, the bride wakes up at dawn and honors the ancestors. She does this to formally introduce herself to the groom's relatives and friends as they are there with her honoring as well which is a small token or gift the husband`s family.

Here already, it is shown how much a couple put into not only their wedding itself, but the traditions that go with it.